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Přihlášení přes Seznam

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If you wish to use a UI design compatible with the official Seznam brand, you are free to download the official "S" image and the corresponding design manual.

The following sign-in flow works according to the https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749 (OAuth 2.0). All URLs used as a redirect_uri are transformed to https, excluding the localhost hostname. Relevant methods:

User redirection

The first step is to redirect the user to the login form. This can happen in multiple ways, including a regular HTTP redirection, link-based navigation, opening a new browser tab or a pop-up window via JavaScript.

The scope query string parameter defines one or more words (comma-separated) that specify user data to be provided to the third party. There is a dedicated page describing these scopes and their purpose.

GET https://login.szn.cz/api/v1/oauth/auth ?client_id=... &scope=identity &response_type=code &redirect_uri=https://... &state=...

Converting the code to token

A successful authorization results in a redirection to the address ${redirect_uri}?code=...; it is now necessary to perform a server-side HTTP request to exchange the received one-time code for an authorization token and user data.

POST https://login.szn.cz/api/v1/oauth/token Accept: application/json { "grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": "..." "redirect_uri": "...", "client_secret": "...", "client_id": "..." }

The response object contains standard RFC data and also:

User data

GET https://login.szn.cz/api/v1/user Authorization: bearer ...token... Accept: application/json

The response object's shape depends on the set of scopes requested by the third party (provided those were authorized by the user). Read more about that at the scopes documentation.

Token revocation

It is possible to revoke either the normal access token (token_type_hint=access_token) or the long-term refresh token (token_type_hint=refresh_token).

POST https://login.szn.cz/api/v1/oauth/revoke Authorization: bearer ...token... Accept: application/json { "token_type_hint": "refresh_token" | "access_token", "token": "..." }

Service icon

This image will be displayed in the user's Account page (next to the list of active sessions). It must have a square aspect ratio and will be rendered 32×32 pixels large.